The first idea of the working group was to restrict his work on tertiary tropical dinoflagellates. Much discussion on the proposed aims and scope resulted in broadening the definition  to include dinocysts from tropical latitudes (+30/-30) of any age.

The first emphasis may be on Oligocene to Miocene plus Recent analogs.

A first step will be a review of published data including bibliographical references, geographical distribution and illustrations. All the data will be posted on the web site.

One function of the Working Group is to provide a comprehensive, detailed and unanimously accepted taxonomic database.

Discussions on data published on the web site and active participation to the forum are expected to reach these goals.

The envisaged end product is an illustrated morphological and taxonomic reference atlas on an interactive CD. It will include for each taxon its geographic distribution together with assessed/estimated stratigraphic ranges, and when available such items as independent stratigraphic calibration (other microfossil groups, magnetostratigraphy…) , paleoenvironmental affinities, sedimentological context, basin characteristics, paleoceanography.